Sunday, October 4, 2015

MEND Walk to Remember

Blue balloons for the baby boys gone too soon
Pink balloons for the baby girls gone too soon
White balloons for the babies miscarried

Happy birthday!

Dear Elijah,

Yesterday was your second birthday. How I missed you so much my sweet boy. Time is flying by. You have a baby sister. I know if you were here you would take such good care of her. I have so many different wishes for you, me, our family. I wish I got to hold your for more than 1 day. I wish you were alive and well. I wish you got to meet your baby sister. I wish your dad could teach you how to play soccer. The list goes on and on. I will tell you that surrounding myself with the MEND families yesterday was amazing. I know that each family has suffered a loss and that breaks my heart so bad, but to be able to come together and acknowledge our babies in a world that is completely uncomfortable talking about the death of babies was encouraging. There are people that have walked in my shoes. This is our new normal. I love you sweet boy. I can't even begin to explain how thankful I am to have had the little time that we shared together. You made me a mother and for that I will be forever grateful. Love you now forever and always,
